Brian Dunne - It's A Miracle Single & Video

OUT NOW! Brian Dunne's official music video for his new single "It's A Miracle"! The track is a good old fashioned, perfect step-beat guitar stomper—Dunne on his 10th wind, headed immediately to whatever vice might shake off the existential panic. 

>>> Listen to the track anywhere

Dunne says, "It's my belief that, gun to head, everyone kind of feels like a loser.  I don't know why.  But give a very successful soul a few drinks and some bad news, and they'll tell you why they're a fraud or a fuck up or a failure.  I'm no different.  Maybe it's growing up with the internet or social media, or maybe it's just high standards, or maybe we are total losers-- totally possible!  Either way, it's no way to go around living your life.  I wanted this song to be about shame and failure, and a real honest picture of what people feel ashamed of.  And maybe it's a song to my people to not be so hard on themselves.  But it's also about how, basically, if you don't have blood on your hands in this day and age, you're at least doing better than all the people who are destroying the world, so maybe give yourself some credit for that, because those people do not lose any sleep at night.  Fuckers."

>>> Watch the video 

Dunne's Loser On The Ropes LP drops 4/14 on Kill Rock Stars!

>>> Presave / preorder the record