Logan Lynn

New Money

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Logan Lynn is a songwriter, producer, filmmaker, television personality and activist who Billboard writes “has made a career out of crafting catchy, disorderly songs that almost all include big beats, fun melodies and cheeky lyrics”. Written at home over the course of 2020, New Money is a 9 song testament to queer power, gay joy, and the belief that we will someday come back together, at shows, in crowds, and on the dance floor.

1. It’s Been Forever
2. Eat&Drink&Smoke&Shop&Fuck
3. Rich And Beautiful
4. Fight Or Flight
5. Sit And Spin

6. Fuck And Run (Liz Phair)
7. Is There Anyone Else Like This In The World?
8. Baby Britain (Elliott Smith)
9. Here’s To Us

Cat. No. KRS698
Release date: January 21, 2022